This past week I have been researching more photo weaving artists. In my research I have found new techniques for photo weaving.
Greg Sand
Greg Sand chose three photos to put together in this photo weaving. Each photo is of one individual at a different time in their life. I find this method of approaching photo weaving to be interesting because of how the images mesh together and how they convey change and new meaning to each photograph.
Greg Sand
It is not easy to align photograph weavings together so this technique seems challenging, but I am eager to try weaving three images together. I believe the effect will be more striking than just too. I also would like to weaving photographs of different people to convey change and similarities/differences between individuals.
Tintin Cooper
I find this image to be interesting because of the fragmentation of the face. The meaning I get from this image is that the person is confused with their identity and is trying to figure their life out because their life is a mess. The fragmentation of the soccer player in the next image, again by Tintin Cooper, is interesting because of the specific lines that are changed in the image. I would like to experiment with these two new ways of making photo weavings in the future.